Swiss International Air Lines Ltd.
Airline without which we would be able to transport
neither our vessel nor ourselves to Cameroon
One of the largest outdoor
business networks in the Czech Republic equipped us with
functional underwear and other essential equipment for survival in the
Koktejl geographical magazine
Our media partner that supported
us in realizing the expedition
Hedvábná Stezka - Silk Road
Travel portal that chose our project and supported us
from an expedition fund
Producer of professional photo technology that provided
us with equipment for documentation of the expedition
GUMOTEX, akciová společnost
Producer of inflatable boats that decided to provide us
with a proven raft Pulsar
Prabos plus a.s.
Czech producer of special, military, working, safety and
trekking foot-wear that prepared our special shoes suitable to the rain
AQUA PLUS s.r.o.
Producer and distributor of means for water treatment
which we have tried out and which always reliably killed all
the bacteria and it was possible to drink water without
worries in critical
Lybar, a.s.
Lybar company, which is a leading manufacturer of products in a pressurized container (sprays and aerosols) in the Czech Republic and Slovakia, loaded our bags with repellents that reliably drives away all the mosquitoes and other tropical bug